
Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Christmas Goodies.................

I asked on Twitter if you wanted to see my Christmas Gifts, and a few of you were interested, so here we are....

I am soooo excited with my Christmas goodies, I was so pleased that Richard had remembered how much I wanted the Marilyn book. Its all about some of her most iconic dresses. I'm a massive Marilyn fan and this book has already given me oodles of drooling time!!

 Next Richard got me a kindle, he wasn't sure how much of a hit it would be, I am really so so pleased with it. I used to read all the time, but more recently I have found it hard to fit in the time. I had heard that people find it easier and quicker with a kindle, and so far I must agree.

I was lucky enough to get this bottle of Coco Mademoiselle from my Nana, especially as my Nana along with my Mum and Auntie gave us money for Vegas. Its the pure perfume and is 7.5ml, its super tiny but having had this before I know that it surprisingly lasts ages and goes a longgggggg way. I think I will wait till Vegas to open this as I still have half of my other bottle to use.

Richard bought me my 1st YSL Rouge Volupte, and its LOVE already. I know that these are expensive (£22.00) but having tried one, I can now understand why. Ive had YSL lipsticks before but these are just such a little piece of luxury.(full post coming soon!!)

Next up I wanted to share some of the things my gorgeous friend Rachel sent me for Christmas. This is just 5 of many many things, you will see the rest in reviews and bits n pieces over the next few weeks. One of my favourite things was the VIVO baked blush, Rach knew that I couldn't get these where I live and how much I wanted to try it, and better still I love this colour and the formula is great.  I love the 2 shades of lipsticks too, both very me :))
And on top of that, SPARKLICIOUS nail polish, could Rach know me any better?!?! he he.

Ive done some swatches of the lipsticks and blush below :)

L To R
Pink Pout VIVO lipstick, Barely There VIVO lipstick and VIVO Baked Blush in Shade 4.

So that was most of my Christmas Goodies. I hope that Santa was good to you all and bought you some lovely things.



  1. I got a Kindle tooooo! I love it! Have you downloaded any books on it yet?
    And so jel you've got a Rouge Volupte ;) xx

  2. WWW I love marilyn too, I will have to check this book out, I also got a kindle, seem to have been permanently attatched too it since christmas! its amazing xo

  3. What beautiful gifts, and the Marilyn book is so you, you little GlamourPuss. Glad you and the man had a great Christmas xx

  4. Didn't you do well! Such lovely gifts and I've now got my eye on that shade of VIVO blush as your swatch just looks so gorgeous x

  5. oh I got a kindle for xmas also, i LOOOOOOVE it :D

  6. gorgeous blus, I have to say im a tiny bit jealous of the lipstick, the packaging is stunning!

  7. You got amazing Christmas gifts, thank you so much for sharing :) <3

  8. You got some lovely presents sweetie. I really would like a kindle so I may have to invest in one very soon. Those two polishes are ever so pretty. Cant wait to for NOTD's :D xx


I love to see what you think too, Leave me a comment and be sure to check back, I always reply!!xxx

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